Are you really f@#king struggling with life?
Here some simple steps to get you going…
Do you know of anyone who really struggle to get buy and really feel like they in the bottom of the barrel? This might help it worked for me.
Step 1 Danger Test
Get somewhere safe from whatever danger you are in now
Step 2 Assess your current situation
Write down where you are in Maslows Heirarchy of Needs
Its no that bad there is always some doing it worse… easy to say
In fact, right down all the good things in your life, a dog, a local butcher whatever and be grateful.
Just workout what stage you are at in your Maslows.
Step 3 Ring your mum…
Pride assist, someone in the word loves, ring them up tell it sucks right now but hey you really want to sort that out. Burnt to many bridges? Fuck it, call me
Step 4 Go to your doctor
Nothing beats a GP looking you over and seeing if there are any issues that can be fixed quickly. Also, is their undiagonized mental health problem that could do with some treatment. The government gives 10 free appointments a year in Australia.
Step 5 Your best self
Who was your best self and what were they doing 5 or 10 years ago when you were happy, note that time, why was it happy, what were you doing in life?
Start writing a list of the things you were experiencing at the time
Who were your friends, (reach out to them maybe), what music were you listening to.
When I was doing well I was:
Getting up every morning and going for a walk and a coffee
Writing out my daily goals
Having lots of human interaction
Reading books
Not watching the news
Working out 2 times a day
Step 6 Routine
Routine is mans best friend, start getting out of bed at the same time each day.
Structure to someones’ life is the key.
My structure works like this:
6am wake and train
7am to 9am setup work day
9am to 11am 2 hours of power
11am to 1pm gym
1pm to 3pm siesta
3pm to 6pm work
Start slow on routine and plan your day out with lots of time for you.
Baby Steps, Baby Steps, how to walk 10,000 miles? Take the first step, then another
Step 7 Get Honest
Write a list of all the habits that you think need to go to improve your quality of life.
Smoking, eating bad food, gambling.
Don’t judge yourself right now, don’t even committ to giving any of these up right now, it’s just not practical… take it slow
Important: This is an exercise in just getting the shit stuff off you brain and onto paper, you don’t have to deal with it, just be aware of it.
Now right down all the stuff you love doing…
If you had just one list cigarette yesterday, or paid one more bill this month than last, that is progress and builds momentum
Step 8 : Key stone habits
The easiest way to make real progress when changing habits is to find the one “keystone” habit that if under control naturally makes the other habits easier to kick.
Smoking? Go to the gym and run. You will vomit. I did. Also when you start working out you eat better and feel better
Step 9 : Get a mentor or a couch
Someone non-judgement who has been through a similar.
DO NOT GIVE UP. I can help you just call me for a free chat 0451188667
Thanks for reading, hopefully this will help a few people out.

Mark Dixon
My name is Mark Dixon. I am a drug addict, a fully qualified life and business coach and really fucking care for humans. Reach me at or on 0451188667